Tuesday, July 29, 2008

jaggery coast wheat ale

6 gallons liquor
5.5 lbs pale malt extract
1 lb carapilsner crushed malt
1lb crushed wheat malt
2lbs jaggery sugar

10z pacific gem (new zealand) bittering
1oz kent goldings aroma
10z hallertaluaer (new zealand) aroma
mini mash schedule
152 degrees for 1 hr
sparge with about 3 gallons of the liqour

boiled collected water adding malt extract and jaggery sugar stirred till sugar was melted
added pac gem hops as bittering when water was boiling
after 45 minutes added hallertauler and kent golding for flavor and aroma
cooled to 85 degrees transfered to bottling bucket straining as much hops as possible through a grain bag. then using a aeration tip i transfered the cooled wort to the primary fermenter and pitched the yeast. rapid fermentation and krausing evident after 5 hours. on the 4th day 7-29-07 primary fermentation seems to died off so i racked into secondry. tasting at this stage was bitter almost like an esb. Cou;ld be because i used a english ale yeast. or it could be overly hopped.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Apricot Anise ALE

so this is my first try experimenting with recipes and techniques
also my first mini mash. This is an all organic brew! all in grediants are organic as certified by california organic

25lbs organic apricots halved and juiced s
aved 5 pounds of apricots to be juiced into the secondary
1 lb german pilsner malt crushed
1 lb german pale ale malt crushed
6 lbs liquid pale malt
1 oz german spalt (bittering)
1oz german hallertauler Tradition 1/2 bitering half aroma
4 anise starts crushed up coursly
1 teaspoon yeast nutrient
1 california ale yeast
5 gallons water

started early in the morning using a juicing machine to extract about 20lbs of apricots worth of juice. pastuerized juice at 160 degrees for one hour. brought 3 quarts of water up to 160degrees then dumped grains in to water and kept between 150 and 157 degrees for one hour. sparged grains and then started boiling collected wort. added 6 cups of liquid malt extract whisked until fully incorportaed and added all the spalt hops and half the halertauler. boiled for 45 minutes very brisk then added star anise and the rest of the aroma hops also placed wort chiller in wort for final sterilization. after 1 hr of total boil time took the pot of the flame hooked up wort chiler took 30 minutes for wort to return to 80 degrees. poured wort into bottling bucket through straner to remove anise and hops. poured lukewarm sterilized apricot juice into bucket with wort. racked into primary fermenter with racking ncane tupe and aertor tip. pitched yeast and yeat nutrient. final swirl of fermenter to incorporate both and placed in closet